HSC Tutoring Study Guide: How To Use Technology To Help Improve Your Studies?

We asked both HSC tutors and students on what technology is working well for them. Below is a list of compiled tech that will help students who are currently attending HSC Tutoring as well as students who are looking to self-study.

0. Use Whimsical for visual maps!

It’s a free app that allows you build beautiful mindmaps to help you visualise complex relationships and diagrams easily!

1. Use Note Taking Apps - NOTE notepad!

Notepad is bad because it’s difficult to organise notes if you don’t do it right away.

Note-taking programmes such as Evernote, OneNote, Google Keep, and Bear are excellent for organising your notes by subject, topic, or date. You may also supplement your notes with photographs, audio recordings, and other material.

2. Use Flashcards - Quizlet is great.

Use digital flashcards to study knowledge: Digital flashcards are excellent for reviewing information. You may make flashcards with text, photos, and even audio recordings using online programmes such as Quizlet, Anki, and Flashcard Machine.

3. Use YouTube, Use Conquer HSC resources.

We are built to help you study and our notes here is everything that you need to know.

4. Keep track of what you need to know.

To rapidly write down reminders or ideas, use digital sticky notes such as Stickies or Windows Sticky Notes.

5. Save time when typing notes using your voice.

If you have difficulty typing or need to take notes fast, voice to text software such as Dragon Dictation or Google Voice Typing may help.

6. Make your notes stand out to aid memorisation.

Use Digital Highlighters to highlight essential material in online articles or PDFs, use digital highlighters such as Diigo or Hypothesis.

7. Sync your notes - this allows you to study anywhere, anytime.

You don’t want to be stuck trying to remember a specific sentence because you don’t have the paper with you.

Cloud storage services such as Dropbox or Google Drive, you can access your notes and other files from any location and on any device.

Collaborative applications, such as Google Docs or Microsoft Teams, enable you to exchange notes and collaborate on projects with your peers.

8. Studying as a group? Use online whiteboards.

Online whiteboards such as Miro or Jamboard enable you and your peers to brainstorm and contribute on ideas.

9. Consider buying a tablet. You want make your notes cleaner or use a scanner.

To keep things clean, you may want to take notes and draw diagrams on your tablet or computer using digital writing tablets such as Wacom or Apple Pencil. Alternatively, you can scan you diagrams and add them into your digital notes.

10. Use Digital Planners!

There are many digital planners out there such as Google calendar, Trello where you can organise chores and assignments while also keeping track of your progress. For me, I use my calendar as my planner as they should be in sync for best time management.